Tokumei Sentai Go Busters the Movie: Protect the Tokyo Enetower!

Tokumei Sentai GoBusters the Movie Protect the Tokyo Enetower THE MOVIE , Tokumei Sentai Gbasutzu Za Mb Tky Enetaw o Mamore? is the theatrical release for the 36th Super Sentai Series Tokumei Sentai GoBusters. The film was released or August 4, 2012, doublebilled with the Kamen Rider Fourze film Kamen Rider Fourze the Movie Space, Here We Come. Tokyo Towers mascot character Noppon ? will also make an appearance in the film.

Though Enter states their futility against the legions of Buglers, Blue Buster purposely overheats to take out the Buglers so Red Buster and Yellow Buster can fight their way through with the former battling Steamloid and managing to plug the Metaloids pipes. But when the GoBusters Weak Points take effect, they are nearly killed when the FS0O comes to their aid to take the GoBusters to safety. After having their wounds tended to, with Steamloids mist fading so their Megazords can fight, the GoBusters learn that Enter is using some of the Enetron amassed in the Tokyo Enetower to bring in the four Megazord archetypes and a fifth mysterious model. With three minutes left, the GoBusters quickly destroy Steamloid with forty seconds left to get into their Buster Machines before the four Valgass Megazords arrive.With two minutes left, GT02 Gorilla knocks the Vaglass Megazords down to climb the tower while GoBuster Ace uses the RH03 to take the tower from above. However, Enter counters by piloting Megazord Type Epsilon and sends GoBuster Ace and the GT02 into the bay. Luckily, with the SJ05 aiding them, GoBuster Ace and the GT2 combined with the FS0O into GoBuster KeroOh. Engaging Megazord Epsilon after taking out Megazord Gamma, GoBuster KeroOh breaks up with GoBuster Ace destroys Megazord Epsilon while the other Busters destroy the Vaglass Megazords as the FS0O destroys the teleportation device before the time runs out. However, a new problem rises from the FS0O damaging Tokyo Enetower with the other Buster Machines repairing the tower. As Enter washes ashore while vowing revenge, the GoBusters and their Buddyloids go sight seeing at Tokyo Enetower. ........

Source: Wikipedia